

SayWhatPro Installation Instructions

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Download SayWhatPro15Setup.exe for NaturallySpeaking version 15.

Download SayWhatPro14Setup.exe for NaturallySpeaking version 14.

Download SayWhatPro13Setup.exe for NaturallySpeaking version 13.

Then, run SayWhatPro(13/14/15)Setup.exe to install the program.

Don't forget that SayWhatPro is an add-on program for NaturallySpeaking. You must have NaturallySpeaking running, and a user fully loaded, before running SayWhatPro itself. If you run SayWhatPro before starting NaturallySpeaking, things will sort of work, but no one will be happy.

Run the installed SayWhatPro.exe (You can probably say "Start SayWhatPro". If not, go through the Start Programs menu or run it from the installation location... c:\program files\SpeechUtilities\SayWhatPro\SayWhatPro.exe).

The first time that SayWhatPro starts up, it will ask you if you want to Import the 'proglobal.dat' file which is installed during setup. I highly recommend that you do so. It consists of 2 commands:

The first macro below will bring up SayWhatPro in Global Commands mode.

The second is not totally necessary, but provides an easy to remember complement to the first. SayWhatPro will fire up into whatever Program you are currently working in so that when you say "local say what" in Internet Explorer, for instance, the Internet Explorer commands are immediately onscreen in SayWhatPro. You have already saved yourself keystrokes, mousing, voice commands over the builtin Command Browser

Global command "global say what":
Sub Main
x=Shell ("c:\program files\SpeechUtilities\SayWhatPro\SayWhatPro.exe Global Commands",1)
AppActivate x
End Sub

Global command "local say what":
Sub Main
x=Shell ("c:\program files\SpeechUtilities\SayWhatPro\SayWhatPro.exe",1)
AppActivate x
End Sub

There are actually 4 macros in the ProGlobal.dat file (also "global say what pro" & "local say what pro" -- just longer vocalizations)

With 64-bit Windows installations, please instead import the installed 'proglobal64bit.dat' file. SayWhatPro is a 32-bit program which runs without modification on 64-bit systems. However, as with all 32-bit applications, a 64-bit Windows OS will install SayWhatPro into 'c:\program files (x86)' instead of 'c:\program files'. Therefore, the above macros need to point to this location instead, and the supplied 'proglobal64bit.dat' will automatically do this.

Sample command on 64-bit systems:

Global command "local say what":
Sub Main
x=Shell ("c:\program files (x86)\SpeechUtilities\SayWhatPro\SayWhatPro.exe",1)
AppActivate x
End Sub

It is highly recommended to disable Windows UAC (User Account Control)

If you encounter any problems or want to make a suggestion,  E-mail me

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