A Selection of User CommentsMost of the following quotes are taken directly from user e-mails, most relate to my different SayWhatPro products, and some relate to EnableThat. "I also dictate into OpenOffice using David Austin's very useful "enable that" program, and it works well." "Thank you again for the update as well as creating such a useful product." (EnableThat). "Thanks again for your quick response -- you provide excellent user support." "Well Bravo David! You are truly a miracle worker aren't you?" "SayWhatPro is incredibly handy! Wow. I'm so glad you created this. Thanks again. "Thanks for your great product and superb support." "And nice work on the utilities -- very helpful tools." "You obviously have done a very nice job with the program!" "Thanks for all your hard work in bringing these tools to the DNS user community!" "This is one great product, as I keep realizing every day while I use it. Thanks!" "I was able to do it quite quickly, by doing the (Tools, Search & ) replace command. If I had to do it using the command browser, I probably never would have gotten around to it, because it would have taken hours." "It's hard to imagine using NaturallySpeaking without SayWhatPro" "Thank you very much indeed, and the ability to restore I had originally noted but had forgotten - that looks like being SENSATIONALLY useful in this case." "What a player you are..." "Thank you for your quick response to my e-mail. SayWhatPro is a great program -- even the unregistered version was useful and I can't wait to start using it with all of its features enabled" "have to say I would not be without SWP. Jolly useful." "Your product is working amazingly well" (EnableThat) "I'm finding SayWhatPro 7 extremely useful in my work" "Thanks, so much for all that you are doing with this program!!!" "Thanks so much for your extraordinary support". "This latest update works great! This is a far better way to get "I'm very impressed with everything you do! Keep up the great work and thank you very much!" "you provide outstanding customer service"
"Your software works quite well. It's amazing how burdensome it is to add and
edit commands with the built in tools."
"You are a genius" "Your program is a godsend."
"Thanks so much for your detailed response, which is exactly what I needed!"
"love your program!"
"And nice work on the utilities -- very helpful tools."
"I’m really enjoying the SWP & DatTools … they’re great" "SayWhatPro 2.1 IS a first-class command a editing utility....we can tell you, with all certainty, that it is very powerful and in our opinion, a necessary purchase for Pro 6 users." |